Art direction and graphic services
Alexandra Jordana
Alexandra Jordana
Totes les històries

Director: Sergi Cameron
Production Company: Nanouk Films
Art Director: Alexandra Jordana & Anna Auquer & Laura Veciana & Cristina Cortizo

Feature film produced by Nanouk Films (SP)
With the suport of ICEC (SP) and Conselh Generau de la Valh D’aran (SP)
Run time 15′

A short film set in the 10th century in the north of Catalonia. Narbona is a girl who falls ill because of the repeated violations of a ruthless Count. Narbona’s mother Caterina, claims the help of a witch, called La Vigatana, to save the girl from death. But the intrusion of the new official powers (the feudal lord, the priest and the knights), will end up killing the witch as a danger to be eradicated.